

This is my final reflection on the course! I made a voki which will be in charged of the message.
There are others things I`d like to say about the course, but I couldn`t use my voki for that, I had characters limit, so here it goes!

I think that I could profit a lot from the course because we haven`t just learned a lot of new webtools but we also analized them and see how they work. Having a blog was great! because although sometimes it could be time consuming I think it is important for us teachers to have a place where we can reflect upon our practices and our experiences. I also liked sharing experiences and I felt free to comment about diferent topics in our lessons. 
I really enjoyed the interview with Graham, it was good to have interaction with others teachers from different parts of the world, it`s really rewarding abd he was very nice with us and answered all our questions.
I really like that we made use of all ht etechniques and tools that we learned, as teacehr sfirst we need to use the tools and know how to deal with them before we use them in our classroom.
I really enjoy the lessons and I think that this subject is a very important contribution in our teacher training course.

Thanks Laura and welcome to the Joaquin!!

Warm regards,


Thank you very much
Read you soon!